Wednesday, October 9, 2024

The Humiliation of Redman Dane - Chapter 5 - Now at Sore Bottom Guys


 The Next Chapter of the Humiliation of Redman Dane is too long for this site, following recent changes by Blogger. Therefore, this story, and all future episodes, have been transferred to the Sore Bottomed Guys website.

Please CLICK HERE to read The Humiliation of Redman Dane – Chapter 5


Thursday, September 7, 2023

The Humiliation Of Redman Dane - Chapter 4


It was a beautiful late summer morning, with a gentle breeze moderating the warmth of the, still rising sun. However, the sanguine weather was not reflected in the face of the handsome young men riding his dappled grey horse through the Doset countryside. To say Redman was sulking would be to understate the sullen darkness of his mood.

For a youth as proud and arrogant as Redman, there were few pains which stung as fiercely as humiliation or the loss of his treasured dignity. Redman had been on this earth, just shy of twenty years, but never before had he suffered such humiliation, nor had his dignity been so shredded as in the last few days.

Almost a week had passed since the mortifying events had occurred in the great ballroom at his family mansion, yet the embarrassing images still flashed through his mind, as fresh and as painful as if they had happened moments before.

He had been forced to strip naked in front of the mocking gaze of the sons and daughters of the leading families of the county, and then publicly spanked on his bare rump like some miscreant child. Humbled and shamed, while the beautiful young gentlewomen giggled with glee from behind their fans, and the young gentlemen, who had previously envied him, now looked on with scorn and contempt.

That had been the darkest day of his life (so far) and one he would never forget.

Yet, as was his nature, Redman was not chastened by what had happened. Instead he seethed with furious anger and desire for revenge. Forgetting how disastrously his previous attempts at retribution had turned out.

All of a sudden his dark thoughts were disturbed when a masked and cloaked figure stepped our from behind a tree, pointing a musket at him. “Get down from that handsome horse young Sir! I have greater need of a steed myself!” the man's voice muffled by his thick mask.

Upon realising he had encountered a Highwayman, Redman's initial impulse was to spur his horse to flight,. However, the barrel of the musket aiming at his chest made him sensibly think better, and he reluctantly climbed down from his horse.

I'll have those fine leather boots too Laddie!” sneered the masked stranger.

You can't take my horse and my boots...!” Redman protested. However, the robber then pointed his weapon directly at the angry young man's groin

You have a choice, young Sir!” the Highwayman laughed “You can keep your boots.. or your pecker, but not both!”

Redman did not require further encouragement, he quickly pulled off his boots and threw them at the armed man “You will hang for this, you villain!” he snarled

The highwayman laughed “In that case, I might as well take those breeches and your fine lace shirt as well!” his mouth twisted into a cruel grin “... and your drawers!”

Redman had had no option but to obey, stripping off his shirt , breeches and then finally his underwear until, moments later he stood naked scowling at the other man. Being forced to strip naked for a second time in less than seven days infuriating and embarrassing him “You can't leave me here like this!” snapped angrily.

Oh I can!” laughed the highwayman, as he mounted Redman's horse, the handsome young blade's garments and boots held firmly under his arm “Maybe a long walk home, with your pretty white bottom on display, will teach you a lesson in humility!”

With that he jerked the reins and dug his heels into the horse's flanks, and they galloped off down the country lane, as the naked and helpless Redman stared after him.

Vanishing over the horizon, the rider and his newly acquired steed galloped on for over a mile, until he reached the edge of a woodland stream, where, upon stopping , and pulled off his mask, revealing himself to be Able Griffiths, Redman's long suffering manservant.

Able grinned sardonically imagining the impotent fury and humiliation his haughty young master must be feeling at that moment. “He'll have a long and uncomfortable walk home” he thought, enjoying imagining Redman's mortification, his only regret being that he could not personally observe it. “It's no less than he deserves!” he smiled, as he stuffed the shirt, pants and breeches into the leather boots, which he then threw into the water, where they sank without trace.

He then cantered off across the fields, as he did so, he had no idea quite how uncomfortable and humiliating Redman's ordeal would be.


Having spent his life wearing boots, made of the finest leather, or soft kid slippers, Redman had exceptionally tender and sensitive feet, so by the time he had walked a mile in bare feet, he was in serious discomfort and limping badly.

As luck would have it, he eventually came upon the stream where Able had discarded his clothing. Seeing an opportunity to sooth his aching feet, Redman clambered down the bank and stepped into the cool refreshing water.

As he stood there allowing the water to ease the pain in his tender feet, our unlucky hero had no idea that his boots and clothing were mere yards away from him, hidden by less than two feet of dark running water.

Just as the water was soothing his painful feet, Redman was about to experience a far greater pain in a very different part of his anatomy. In order to take the weight off his feet, he decided to sit down on a rock, but unfortunately for his, he didn't notice that the rock was already occupied buy a brightly striped and venom filled European hornet, blown north from it's usual Iberian homeland by a recent gale.

As has been noted previously Redman had a spectacularly beautiful bottom, smooth, well rounded, creamy white and hairless, it resembled the an artistic creation, carved by a great artist, in the finest marble. However, the hornet saw no beauty in the huge and terrifying shape, blocking out the sun and moving rapidly towards it. 


The tiny, but well armed, creature acted with instinct, believing itself under attack, it attacked back, with an angry BUZZ it flew straight at the approaching buttocks and, upon landing, sunk its fiery, venom filled stinger into the tender flesh at the very edge of Redman's puckerng anus, before ejecting an agonising stream of acid fire into Redman's most sensitive parts.

To Redman the sensation felt akin to a red hot pokere being rammed into his rectum, he jumped up, clutching is backside, and let out a yell of pain which echoed round the open countryside.

Young Master Dane was on yet another losing streak. The pain from a hornet sting is notoriously long lasting, and Redman would have a mighty sore butt hole for the next 24 hours or more. However, that was not the only discomfort he would suffer in that period.

Still miles from home, Redman trudged on, sore bottomed and sore footed, he tried to walk on the grass, which was less hard on his feet than the rough and stony path.

As he reached the brow of a hill, he spotted a small cottage in the distance, but more important than that, he spotted clothes, including a man's shirt and breeches, hung out on a washing line next to the dwelling.

Had his prayers been answered, the garments may be poor quality peasant garb, but at least they would cover his nakedness and allow him some dignity when he arrived home.

Briefly forgetting the pain in his feet (if not yet the still burning hornet sting) Redman crept quickly across the field towards the cottage, glancing around in the hope that nobody would see him.

Upon reaching the washing line, the handsom myoung man quickly unpegged a white shirt and pulled it over his head. Although the garment was likely the owners Sunday best shirt, our haughty young gentleman frowned in disgust at the feeling of the rough course material against his skin.

However, seconds later, Redman experienced an altogether more unpleasant sensation, as the prongs of a garden fork were jabbed into he bare backside. He jumped in the air, tripped, and fell, landing heavily on his hornet stung and just jabbed rump.

He looked up and saw an angry looking man holding a long handled hay fork which was pointed threateningly at him. More disturbing still, was the woman next to him, holding a huge and, no doubt very sharp scythe, of the sort often depicted as held by Azrael, the Angel of Death.

Appreciating the danger he was in and what this hostile couple's perception must be, he attempted to explain himself “I was robbed ….” he began, but was immediately interrupted

It seems to me, it be you who's doing the robbing!” snarled the farmer's wife, taking a step towards him, still clutching her terrifying weapon. “I've a mind to rob thee of them fine pair of bollocks, your exposing to the world!”

Realising, to his horror, that his lower body was totally exposed, Redman hastily covered his groin with his hands. “It was a Highway man, a villain, he took my clothes and my horse!”

A likely story!” scoffed the woman “There be no Highwaymen in these parts since then hanged Sam Wiggins back in '52 ….. like you'll be hanged soon enough you young Scallywag!”

We'll see what the constable has to say about this!” interjected the farmer, who was of a more temperate nature than his hot blooded wife “We'll take you into town, and let the law deal with this, now get up!”

Redman was about to object , but one look at the wild haired Valkyrie and her deadly scythe made him think better of it “Please good Sir, could I have the loan of a pair of breeches, to cover my modesty?”

You'll get no more from us!” replied the women “You'll ride into town bare assed, like the Rapscallion you are!”

Redman responded with characteristic haughty outrage “Do you know who I am madam?!!!”

Don't take on airs laddie You are nowt but a lowlife scoundrel!” shouted the farmer jabbing at the unhappy Redman with his fork.

Redman dodged the weapon, and reluctant to suffer further injury decided to control his tongue and comply with the farmers barked instructions. Hopefully and officer of the law would be more easy to deal with that this angry low class couple.

Poor Reman's latest humiliation had only just begun, to his horror, the farmer ordered him to lie face down over the back, of an old, flea-bitten looking donkey, and then tied him in place, as the wife stood nearby menacing him with her scythe.

As Redman was still only wearing the farmer's shirt, he was naked from the waist down (or in his current position, from the waist up). Hence the position he was now in resulted in maximum exposure. With his legs apart, his smooth, pink and hairless bare bottom uppermost and his anus and ball-sack on full display, he presented quite a striking spectacle.

It was with the deeply furious and painfully embarrassed Redman in this state, that the farmer led the across the fields into the local town, while his wife followed on, intermittently tapping the donkey's hindquarters and Redman's upraised bottom with a long riding whip. Predictably she smacked the second harder, and more enthusiastically than the first.

As Redman's increasingly bad luck would have it, that day was Market day in the small town of Tinker's Bottom, so the streets were crowded with shoppers who would all be afforded an exquisite, and close up, view of the unlucky young blade's nether regions.

There was nothing Redman could do, but stare at the cobble stones below, or back over his shoulder, his face now scarlet with embarrassment.

What have we here?” boomed a voice with a clear note of authority, as a tall man in a local constable's uniform stepped out of the swiftly crowd of amused onlookers.

He be a low misbegotten thief, who we caught stealing our Silas's Sunday best !” replied the farmer's wife.


I am no thief Officer!” cried Redman, attempting to sound dignified despite his position “I am the Honourable Redman Dane, the son of Sir Humphrey Dane of Dane Mannor, and I have been sorely mistreated by these Common peasants! …..OWWCH!” he cried out in pain as the farmer's wife hit his bare rump with her whip.

Don't you be callin' us common you bog dwelling pinch purse!” snarled the angry woman.

And also don't tell lies!” commanded the policeman “The very suggestion that the son of a gentleman like Sir Humphrey Dane would be running round the countryside with no breeches, and stealing from good people, is an outrage!” he said “You better not make such claims in front of the Magistrate, or it will go worse for you!”


Aye! The Magistrate is holding court in the morning.... and you'll be in front of him sonny Jim!” the constable paused “Except there's nowhere to keep you overnight, the jail is fit for bursting!”

Put him in the stocks!” cried a helpful voice from the crowd

Excellent solution!” agreed the cunstable

You can't be serious my man...OUCH!” cried Redman in outage, and in pain, as the farmer's wife gave him another whack.

Redman was horrified at the prospect of being placed in stocks, but not as horrified as he was when he actually saw the stocks themselves.

Over the years the weight of the heavy panel through which an unfortunate miscreant would place their head and hands, had proved too much for the central column on which it sat. The column had collapsed, and the panel had sunk to the ground.

As a result, any individual placed in the stocks, was required to kneel, with his face inches from the ground and his bottom raised high in the air.

This was an extremely undignified, exposed and humiliating position, and especially so for Redman, who, you, gentle reader, will recall, was still naked from the waist down. 


Despite Redman's protests, it was this revealing position he was manhandled into by two burly village locals, before being locked firmly into place.

Once again Redman was in a highly exposed and embarrassing position from which he could not escape. His mortification made all the worse by the sound of tittering and guffawing he could hear from behind him, as the growing crowd of villagers enjoyed the view.

And it seemed he would have to endure this indignity for many hours, and through the night.

Could Redman's bad luck possibly get any worse?


Tuesday, December 7, 2021

The Humiliation of Reman Dane – Chapter 3  Part: 2 Redman's Shaming

  The Humiliation of Reman Dane – Chapter 3 

Part: 2 Redman's Shaming

Redman stood, frozen to the spot, as the full horror of his situation became more starkly clear by the second. How could he turn this round? His initial instinct had been to boltn and run, but not only were all avenues of escape now blocked by serious faced young men, each with a personal animosity towards him but the consequences of a failure to comply with the order to strip were potentially devastating.

Frightening as the prospect of arrest by the local constable might be, the possibility of being disinherited and facing a future where he might have to work for his keep, terrified him even more. The angry women now confronting him held all the cards, and his only options were obedience or poverty, and the second of those choices was unthinkable.

Reluctantly, and with his embarrassment evident in his blushing cheeks, he removed his embroidered scarlet tunic and handed it to his aunt. “Feel free to check it for booty, my lady!” he said, attempting to sound haughty, but failing pitifully.

“And your britches!” commanded Lady Dane, “When I said take off your clothes, I meant ALL of your clothes!”

As her words echoed round the camber, Redman became aware that the crowd was moving closer and shifting position in order to achieve the best possible view of the spectacle. He cringed inwardly but attempted to do as he was told.

Removing his britches was easier said than done, on account of his tight and shiny black boots. In the normal course of events he would sit back with a glass of Madera, while his man servant pulled off his boots, however, now he had to struggle to do it himself, and in public. He presented a rather comical sight standing in one foot desperately attempting to maintain his balance as he wrestled with his tight leather boots

“Get on with boy!” ordered Lady Dane, “I want those pantaloons off now!”

Finally, after an agonisingly embarrassing struggle, Redman managed to remove his boots and then his britches and he stood before the assembled throng, wearing only his tight calf-length underwear.

What are those?” boomed Lady Dane pointing to Redman's underpants.

W..What do you mean Aunt?!” stammered Redman, dreading what he knew she would say next

They are CLOTHES!” she replied skilfully succeeding in suppressing a cruel grin, “and I specifically told you to take your clothes … OFF!”

B.. but Aunt” he wailed, “you can see there is nothing in my pants!”

A ripple of laughter ran round the room, as one the crowd were how heartily enjoying the sight and sound of Redman's discomfort

Strip!” shouted Lady Dane “Or I will send a man for the Constable!”

Redman could not believe that he was facing a further public humiliation so soon after the nightmare he experienced only days before. His aunt could not possibly expect him to strip naked in front of their assembled guests, but the tone of her voice told him clearly that was exactly what she expected, and he had little doubt that, were he to disobey, she would carry through with her threat to disinherit him.

He had no option but to do as she ordered, inserting his thumbs into the waistband of his underwear, he pulled them down and stepped out of them.

He was now totally naked in front of a crowded room of elaborately dressed people, who's elegant attire served only to heighten his pale pink exposure.

Redman felt as if every pair of eyes in the room was boring into him, and as he cringed in shame he caught a glimpse for the glint of amused contempt on the face of Euphemia Bickerstaffe, the person in the room he had most wanted to impress.

Another woman, who's very presence in the room added to the sting of Redman's mortification, his stepmother, Claudia Dane, gingerly picked up the discarded drawers and made an elaborate performance of examining them for hidden items.

Well it would seem that your necklace was all he stole!” She said eventually, before adding “unless he has hidden something elsewhere!”

For one frozen moment Reman feared that the woman might demand a cavity search, but it turned out that they had another form of humiliation in store for him.

You have been a very naughty boy Redman!” Snapped Lady Dane, “and you must be punished!”

Indeed he must!” replied Claudia, “and as I have taken the role of his mother and guardian, it is my duty to inflict the punishment!”

As if on cue, a smirking young footman appeared, carrying a large wooden chair, and placed it directly behind Claudia.

Claudia sat down and haughtily beckoned Redman to come to her, “Now get over my knee!” she ordered

You are surely joking Madam!” replied Redman, “That is an outrageous suggestion!”

What is outrageous, Young man is you stealing my gems!” boomed Lady Dane, “Now do as your mother tells you!”

She's not my mother!” replied Redman, his words sounding almost childishly plaintive

Left with no option, and feeling totally mortified by this outrage, Redman slunk forward and lay across his young stepmother's lap. It was beyond tolerable that he was going to be spanked publicly by his father's new floosy of a wife, a woman for whom his feelings were highly conflicted. He gritted his teeth longing for the ordeal to be over. However, it had only just begun.

Before you start m'lady!” Said Miss Gallagher “We need to ginger him up! … Griffiths bring the silver bowl here”

Griffith obediently approached carrying a silver bowl on a tray. Miss Gallagher reached into the bowl and produced a phallic shaped piece of freshly peeled ginger. “This will do perfectly!” she said, before leaning forward and quickly inserting the ginger plug between the cheeks of Redman's bare buttocks and then forcing it deep into his anus.

Due to his position, Redman had been unaware of what was happening until he became conscious of an object being inserted into him, causing him to gasp in surprise. That gasp of surprise was followed by a further gasp of pain as the fiery burning sting from the spicy and juicy ginger spread though his most intimate body part.

The figging (or feaguing) of horses, by sticking a plug of ginger into their rectums, was a common practice at the time, most often when the horses were participating in ceremonials, as the fiery sensation in its nether regions would cause the animal to raise its tail. However, this time, instead of the horse, it was handsome young Redman Dane who had been figged, adding an extra and exceptionally degrading element to his humiliation”

OUCH! That burns!” complained Redman

It's supposed to burn boy!” replied Claudia “but not as much as this will burn!”, she brought the palm of her hand down hard onto the upraised cheeks of his bare bottom.

Redman's head buzzed with thoughts and emotions, none of them pleasant and positive, he was furious that his plans had failed so disastrously, wracked with paranoia at how he had been exposed. However, his mostly overwhelming emotions were embarrassment, humiliation and impotent rage that he, Redman Dane, scion of the leading family in the county was being subjected to this naked shaming, and there was nothing he could do but submit.

For all her ladylike refinement, Claudia was a strong woman, with a powerful spanking arm and the smooth, well-rounded cheeks of Redman's bare bottom was soon very sore, the burning sensation merging with the peppery sting from the ginger phallus still gripped between the tight pink lips of his anus.

However, it was about to get worse. “Here, my Dear!” said Lady Dane plucked a small wooden hairbrush from a pouch in her voluminous green gown and handing it to Claudia “save your hands and use this!”

If Claudia's hand had hurt, that was nothing compared to the hard wooden back of the brush and soon Redman was kicking his legs and crying out in pain as his punishment continued. The assembled guests crowded closer for a better view of the entertainment.

Had Redman not been such an arrogant and self-promoting individual, there might have been those in the crowd who felt some sympathy for him. However, to the contrary, it was primarily Redman's personality which made observing his comeuppance so enjoyable for the audience.

As Redman struggled, the plug of ginger became dislodged and fell onto the floor. As a result, when she had finally finished spanking him, Claudia ordered Redman to retrieve the item.

This presented the spectators with the sight of Handsome Redman crawling on the floor in his hands and knees, whilst Claudia and Lady Dane beat his already red and sore bottom with their riding crops.

Naturally, this only added to Redman's humiliation as it resulted on his most intimate parts and well punished rear being on full view to a room full of guests.

In order to extend the show and add to Redman's discomfort, Ruth Gallagher stood over the finger plug, so that it was hidden beneath her skirt where he could not find it.

Redman longed for his ordeal to be over, but Lady Dane had not finished with him yet. Without warning, she announced that after the dramatic events of the morning she felt inclined to take a revitalizing ride on the moors.

Looking down at Redman she said “And as a gesture of forgiveness I will pernit you to accompany me Redman!”

Redman bjumped to his feet and looked down at his aunt in horror, horse riding was the very last thing he wished to do after what had just been done to him. Indeed, it would be sometime before he could comfortably sit on a cushion, let alone a hard leather saddle.

However, once again he felt in no position to refuse.

Meanwhile, in the corner of the room, unnoticed by the crowd, Able Griffiths assisted the maid Redman has wronged, Ester Hobbs, conspired to make Redman's day even more uncomfortable. As soon as Griffiths heard Lady Dane demand that Redman accompany her on a ride across the moors, he retrieved his master's discarded clothing and then slipped over to the sideboard, where dining condiments were kept, grabbed hold of a pepper pot and liberally sprinkled the contents into the seat of britches. “That will warm up the handsome young master's ride” he thought with a grin.

Ester, had observed what Griffiths was doing, and she hurried over to him “I have something better than that!” she whispered giggled. Pulling open a drawer, she produced a small jar with an exotic looking label. “This is powered extra hot Bhut Jolokia Chilli, the hottest spice in the sub continent, Sir Reginald Dane developed a taste for it in India, and always has it by his plate at the table, so he can add it to his food! … This will certainly add some fire to the young master's sweet cheeks"

Perfect!” grinned Griffiths, as he held open the britches so that Ester could pour a generous amount I powered chilli into the seat, before then rubbing it fgirmly into the cloth, until the entire rump section of the garment was infused with the fiery spice.

Oh yes, he will feel that!” chuckled Griffiths, as the two servants grinned at each other in delight.

And he deserves to!” growled Ester

Half an hour later, Lady Dane, accompanied by Claudia and a very unhappy Redman, rode out onto the vast moorland on the edge of the Dane estate.

Poor Redman was in significant discomfort, struggling to tolerate the painful burning sensation in his rear, which, if anything, strangely seemed to be getting worse. He leaned forward, gripping the reins tightly and straining to keep his well punished bottom raised, so it would not press against the hard leather saddle.

His situation was not helped by the fact Lady Dane had insisted on riding his usual well trained horse, leaving him to cope with a skittish, nervous and less predictable steed.

A few hours galloping across the moors will give us a healthy appetite, so we enjoy the banquet!” cried Lady Dane

Can we take it more gently please Aunt!” moaned Redman

Don't be such a milksop boy!” barked Lady Dane “When I say gallop, I mean you to gallop!” she raised her riding whip and brought it down with a WHACK! Across the rump of Redman's horse. The effect of the blow on the animal was instant and explosive, it literally jumped in the air , before galloping off across the moorland at a frantic, with Redman bouncing up and down on its back.

Redman struggled unsuccessfully to control the horse, tugging at the reins and shouting furious commands as well as threats, but to no avail as the horse continued bounding at high speed across the wild and open landscape with its punished bottomed rider on it's back.

The horse did not slow down until it was almost into the next county, and not before Redman's well spanked, whipped and ginger feagued bottom, wrapped in chilli and pepper infused britches, had been well and truly battered by violently bouncing up and down on the hard saddle effectively adding another lengthy and bruising spanking to his punishment.

Handsome Redman continued to receive the humiliation which, as Ester had said, he deserved.



Sunday, November 14, 2021

The Humiliation of Reman Dane – Chapter 3  - Part: 1 Redman's Plot Backfires

The Humiliation of Reman Dane – Chapter 3 

Part: 1 Redman's Plot Backfires

As was her custom Alelia Dane had risen early and was enjoying a stroll in the well-tended gardens, accompanied by her strikingly handsome personal footman Edward. Who carried her parasol, held above her to shade her from the already bright summer morning sunshine.

She felt cheerful and light-hearted, it looked set to be a beautiful day and with any luck the good weather would continue over the weekend, when festivities were planned in her honour. However, moments later, she received information which significantly altered her mood.

At first Lady Dane could not believe what she had just been told, Redman had always been her special favourite nephew. She knew he was he was a naughty boy, but that was part of his charm, and she had always believed his mischief was harmless.

However, she could not deny the proof that had been brought to her by her by the young lady of the manor and two of the most trusted family servants. The had shown her evidence of a malicious wickedness by her golden boy which could not be ignored. 

He should be punished your Ladyship!” said Ruth Gallagher, the governess who had raised all the young Dane boys from infants to young men “Punished severely!”

Lady turned to face Miss Gallagher and nodded her agreement “Indeed!” she said, “and he will be!”


 Meanwhile in an upstairs room in the house behind them, Redman was still in bed. While Lady Dane's mood may have darkened Redman's mood was vastly improved, and he lay on crumpled sheets with a smug, sly and satisfied grin on his face. He had a pleasant feeling of excited anticipation, as he imagined how the clever plot he had hatched would fall into place.

Tomorrow was the weekend and there was to be a luncheon and garden party in honour of Aunt Amelia's visit followed by a banquet that evening. Members of some of the higher-ranking families in the county had been invited. Everyone would be wearing their finest outfits, including his aunt who would, of course, wish to wear her gems. 

When she discovers the necklace is missing, the house will be searched, including the servants' rooms. When the missing gems are found in her parlour, Ruth Gallagher will be exposed at the thief. Caught, red handed the old women would be condemned to spend the rest of her life in prison.

It was a shame thieves were no longer hung, or, better still deported, it would be delicious revenge to imagine her spending her old age tolling in some sweat stained, mosquito infested Colonial Hell hole! However, the county prison was hellish enough, and no doubt hard labour would kill the old sow within a year.

In Redman's view, it was no more than she deserved for the degrading indignity and humiliation he has suffered through her actions.

Naked and achingly handsome, he arose from his bed and sauntered to the window, his, lithe and beautiful naked body seeming to take on an added lustre as it was caressed lovingly by the morning sunlight. He looked across the gardens below and spotted the target of his hatred standing talking to his aunt “Like two old hens, clucking about ribbons and ball gowns!” he scoffed, his eyes narrowed as he studied Ruth “Such fine clothes and attractive surroundings will soon be a distant memory for the poisonous old witch!”

He leaned against the polished oak panneld wall, imagining Ruth Gallagher gripping the bars of a dark and filthy cell and his perfectly formed mouth twisted into a mocking grin.

He then returned to the bed and lay in his stomach enjouying the anticipation of the fun that was to come


The seamstress has done a very satisfactory job, however. would be wise to avoid sitting down before luncheon sir!” Advised Griffiths as he assisted Redman checking the fit of his chosen outfit for the following evening “The tunic is likely to crease, also the gold piping and buttons may be uncomfortable!”

I won't have time to sit down my man!” replied Redman haughtily “I shall be dancing with a bevy of beautiful young virgins!” he chuckled “They may not remain virgins for long!” Redman's arrogant attitude had returned after a short period of self-pity. He also had no idea that his valet had been amongst the staff who had visited the kitchen to enjoy the sight of his chimney breast humiliation, and, therefore, addressed him with the disdain with which he always treated servants. 

As evidence of his lack of regard for the feelings of servants, he had not bothered to dress, and beneath his tunic he was naked from the waist down. He might have been more circumspect had he been aware that Griffiths was one of those men, who could feel desire for his own sex, as well as for women.

Of course, such a thought would never have occurred to the robustly heterosexual Redman Dane.

As you say Sir!” replied Griffith as he brushed a spot of fluff from Redman's otherwise immaculate scarlet tunic.

Despite never having served in any regiment, Redman had opted to wear his elder brother's cavalry uniform for the evening, which had been taken in by a seamstress to fit his less bulky figure. Even Griffiths had to admit that his young master was was strikingly handsome that morning, and every inch the Romantic hero in his borrowed, gold braded, finery.

Without revealing a hint of his thoughts. Griffiths was pleasantly amused by the knowledge that Redman was not destined to remain so elegantly attired for much of the following weekend. “You would not be so smug and self-satisfied if you knew what is in store you my young coxcomb!” he thought with a warm glow of satisfaction.


The next day was Saturday, and, as Lady Dane had anticipated, it was another beautiful day. Greeting guests in the great hall, Redman was enjoying himself greatly, and his mood was sunny as the weather. He had no premonition of the dark clouds which were heading his way, instead was thrilled by the prospect how he believed the day would develop.

It could not be denied that Redman was the handsomest man in the room with his burnished gold hair and snugly fitting borrowed military finery. He was attracting a flurry of admiring attention from the young ladies present, together with a fair share of resentful and jealous glances from the young gentlemen.

Especially gratifying was the expression on the face of the blonde and lovely Euphemia Bickerstaffe, with he had a brief romance the previous summer. No doubt, she now regretted ending their affair due to his trifling dalliance with her lady's maid.

The attention he was receiving was both a pleasant distract and a boost to his ego as he waited for the main entertainment to begin.

To Redman's disappointment Lady Dane's arrival in the hall did not have the outcome he had been anticipating. To his surprise she was dressed in an elaborate hight collared gown of emerald green, a colour he had never seen her wear before and and one which would have clashed uncomfortably with the pink sapphires amongst the pearls and diamonds of her magnificent necklace.

Due to her choice of attire, she had clearly chosen not to wear the gems, and had, therefore, not yet discovered they were missing.

he Gallagher sow's downfall will have to wait until the crone changes her dress for the ball tonight!”

His handsome face took on the sulky grimace of a child forced to delay a treat, he turned his back on his aunt, and focused his attentions on the altogether more appealing younger females in the room.

He did not notice that Lady Dane had strolled across the room until she was standing directly behind him and was unaware of her presence until she spoke.

You look very Dapper my Boy!” she purred, “But what is that unsightly thread hanging from the tail of your tunic? Let me remove it for you!”

Before Redman had a chance to respond, he aunt had bent forward grasped at the loose thread handing from his tunic and gave it a firm tug and by doing so released the loosely sewen seem at the back of the garment. As she did so, a glittering pearl, diamond and pink sapphire item fell clattering to the floor, landing around the heels of Redman's shiny polished black leather boots.

Lady Dane gave a rather theatrical gasp “My gems!” she cried “You had my precious necklace hidden in your


Redman spun round and stared gown aghast at the glittering object at his feet, before Lady Dane knelt down with the agility of a schoolgirl and scooped up the necklace. Now he realized why the piping at the hem of his tunic had felt so bulky and uncomfortable. But how had the gems, which he had carefully hidden in Ruth Gallagher's rooms, found their way into his clothing?

It was then that he caught sight of the sneering grins on the faces of Miss Gallagher and his man servant Griffiths, and the truth began to dawn on him. Yet there was nothing he could do, he could not accuse them without exposing his own far more reprehensible actions.

I .. I .. I have no idea how that got there Aunt!” he stammered

Don't lie to me, you villain!” bellowed an imperious Lady Dane, “You stole my necklace and had it hidden on your person, until you could sell it, to pay off gambling debts no doubt!”

Redman stared at his aunt in abject horror, like a rabbit caught in a trap might stare at an advancing fox, he could not believe what had happened, this was not how he had planned for events to unfold. “T..there has been some terrible mistake!” he stammered.

The only mistakes were yours, you young Scallywag!” Stormed Lady Dane reciting her pre rehearsed script with relish, “Your first mistake was stealing from me, and the second was hiding it so poorly!”

Redman was keenly aware that all eyes in the room were upon him and he felt a desperate urge to bolt and flee from the gathering, but already the yonger and fitter men in the room were instinctively taking position in order to block any attempted escape. He struggled to think of clever words he could use in his defence, but none would come.

What else have you got secreted on your person?” demanded Lady Dane “What more of my property is hidden in your clothing?”

Nothing Aunt!” he stammered “I assure you, there is nothing more!”

How can we believe you?” cried Lady Dane “Prove it, take off your clothes!”

You can not be serious!” gasped Redman

I am very serious, do as you are told!”

Not in front of our guests Please Aunt!” he pleaded

They must see the proof!” roared Lady Dane “You deserve to be shamed. And they will witness your shaming!”

I ..I refuse!”

Then we will summons the constable, and you will languish in the county jail with the other thieves and vagabonds!” before adding with a sneering growl, “and you will relinquish all hope of inheriting my fortune!”

Then another voice was at his ear, his young stepmother Claudia Dane, had approached unnoticed and was standing beside him, her hands gripped into fists “Do as you are told Redman!” she ordered “Or I shall report your actions to your father, who will certainly banish and disinherit you, NOW STRIP OFF YOUR CLOTHES!”



 Part 2